Progams and scripts
A few programs written in the past that have been useful.
Predicting protein size
Allows prediction of protein size based on PDB coordinates from NMR or X-ray crystallography.
Now also allows measurement of protein external electrostatics for a combined measure of size and external charge.
Rapid manipulation of dna sequences
Rapid manipulation of DNA sequences:
Strip white space (returns, tabs etc)
Strip non-DNA letters
Reverse complement
Uppercase-lowercase all
Metagenetics scripts various
Various scripts and instructions for dealing with some metagenetics data.
Also various python scripts to draw figures, 3D surface plots based on X, Y and Z vairables. Plotting points on maps, and plotting piecharts on maps etc.
GUI interface for quantifying colour differences.
Count pixel number if different from background within an area on screen as defined by mouse clicks